Friday 9 March 2012



Simply put, 99% of businesses fail because owners are too busy doing other things instead of focusing on the success factor of their business. We help you do the other thing (planning, promotion, marketing and training), so you can focus. We attend to the details, allowing you to focus on what you do best - running your business
Check this out….do you have a business name, digital banner or sign post, hand bills, bulk SMS, a Biz plan, a system etc

We are a full service company that focuses on completing the tasks and projects that busy professionals and business owner need in order to build and boost their business.
We specialize in open source website/development, customized business boost training, staff and workers training program; flex production, advertising /marketing campaigns, newsletter marketing, sending of bulk sms, consulting services and market research

*Any business owner that wants world-class support should count on soft touch
Mama bb Abraka…08054129224

*Since I meet with soft touch my school has started growing to international standard…Directors of schools
Tel: 08053325850 also 08063713137
We touch lives and businesses per day

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